Saturday 23 November 2013

#67 - Perfection

Today’s words: Cherisher, Stank, Reduce, Study

Word count: 504

Completion time: 34 minutes

Summary: If someone likes you, they should like all of you


A cherisher who will love you even when you feel stank and dirty.

Someone who, to reduce your pain, will say something stupid to make you laugh, or focus the negative energy on themselves instead.

A selfless individual who, even when they’re freezing cold, will let you have however many layers you want from them because when you’re happy, they are too.

This person will save your smile as the wallpaper in their mind and every time they see it, they light up inside. All of the things that you hate about yourself, they’d hate if they weren’t there because it’s every part of you that makes you who you are.

When you’re insecure, thinking that they’ll be put off by stretch marks, hair, chubby bits, they barely even notice because they’re too lost in appreciating you. You’ll study these things in the mirror, wondering how to get rid of or hide the things you hate to make yourself feel better, and they’ll say that it doesn’t matter, not one bit.


Don’t get me wrong, what someone else thinks about you won’t make the cringing and frustration go away, but it makes you realise that not everyone notices or cares about it as much as you do. That not everyone views you as this less-than-perfect monster that they’d pass up any day for someone who exudes conventional beauty. That fuck what anyone else says, to them, you are perfection. This may sound incredibly unrealistic and a bit too good but love, admiration, infatuation, whatever you want to call it...that shit completely overrides a lot of things.

I’m not naive enough to think that some people do care about certain things; they’ll want your thighs to stop touching, for you to grow your hair out, wear better clothes, stop liking certain things but those people are assholes. Why settle for someone who will pick and pick and pick at you to be better, look better, when there is someone out there who won’t give a shit, no matter how unrealistic you think that is?

If someone is really into you, believe me when I say that they won’t give a fuck.

I’ll be honest – if I really liked someone and found out that they had hair all over their body, or that they had stretch marks and scars galore, or that they like to pick the skin from their toes and eat long as they’re a nice person who fits comfortably with my moral outlook on life, then fuck it – I’m down.

Don’t read articles like, ‘How To Get The Perfect Partner,’ or, ‘What Men/Women Like,’ or ‘Why You’re Single’ because they’re incredibly subjective and fucking awful. You can’t sum up an entire gender or population with an article – some people hate make-up, some shy away from conventional beauty, a lot (a LOT) would date people above a certain skinny size.

Keep doing what you do, and someone else will want to get in on that, and if they don’t...they’re not the right one.

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