Saturday 9 November 2013

#60 - Body Policing

Today’s words: Arrestee, Political, Lovely, Paint

Word count: 252

Completion time: 26 minutes

Summary: Your body, your rules


You know, you can strip the paint from your face like the little dress you chose to take off in front of someone who you’re pretty sure was called Alex, or maybe Ryley, but it doesn’t matter actually because your body is just as lovely as when you were a virgin.

What I’m saying is that you can do what you want when you want because it’s your body. It’s nothing political, it’s logical – you are the master of yourself, you decide what goes on, what comes, what goes, so throw away the idea that you’re scum for having fun.

Some people treat promiscuity like the police treat an arrestee, “I’m sorry ma’am, but you’re going to have to come with us. We don’t want any fuss, just close your legs and come quietly.” Shove your body policing and stand aside, small fry.

I’ll only say this once, so clean the wax out and listen good:

Your make-up doesn’t define you
Your clothes don’t define you
Your sexual activity doesn’t define you

What defines you is your attitude
Your personality
Your morality

Someone tries to tell you that’s wrong? Their opinion should never matter because only you get a say on what is and isn’t okay when it comes to your body and your behaviour.

Who tells you what games you should like?
Who tells you what movies you should like?
Who tells you which hobbies to like?

You do.

So why should someone else tell you how to act or dress?

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