Saturday 26 October 2013

#53 - Shared Brain

Today’s words: Honey, Lemon, Badger, Monster

Word count: 389

Completion time: 50 minutes

Summary: If anything, instead of guys getting angry at feminists, they should be angry at what society is promoting as acceptable behaviour for the typical male. Feminists do not, repeat, do not hate men, all


For me to call myself a monster would only serve to promote the classic monster to a hero. What word that could be used against me had not yet been invented, it pains me to admit. Had not one lemon but two, or indeed twelve been sliced in half and squeezed into my eyes, it would still not be equal to what they endured in my hands. 

I had always been taught that I had immense power from the day that I had taken on a Y instead of an extra X; it was never expressed so overtly, but I had an idea that I was treated as the dominant sex, even as a child. Everyone had those ‘my sex (and therefore gender...? Though the two are not interchangeable in the least) is better than yours’ moments, but I genuinely believed it. I was willing to put my willy on the line that there was nothing a girl could do better than me, no fight that a girl could ever win over a boy, no IQ test that a girl could win unless they cheated or the test had developed feelings for said girl.

As a teenager, I thought that girls were crafty. They got a lot of things by flirting, dressing inappropriately, or playing up their weak side. It wasn’t right – us guys got things on fair terms, by using our strength, mentally and physically; when was the last time you saw a guy lift up his trouser leg to get free drinks? I legitimately used to think that.

I began to resent women at nineteen. I’d play along with their crazy games and when a little honey was at their most vulnerable, I’d turn the tables and gain the upper hand...not realising that society had already given me that for free. 

A website has said that the main enemy of the badger is mankind; if that be the case, sows of the world, hear my plea: not once was my mind my own when I was horrible to you. Though they were not all physical misdemeanours, I am apologetic in equal measures for everything. 

It takes a strong woman to realise and rebel against her position in the world, but it takes a stronger man to admit his privilege and work to correct himself from then on.

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