Wednesday 23 October 2013

#52 - Whole in my Heart

Today’s words: Cat, Ennui, Chocolate, Quixotic

Word count: 442

Completion time: 1 hour 1 minute

Summary: Being in a relationship is the ultimate aim...and if you’re single, you must  be looking for someone


The whole world told her that to feel whole, she needed to find her other half, her soul mate.

Feeling down? Experiencing ennui from your life that promised to offer excitement and endless opportunities once you left university? Find yourself with a frown more often than not? Wrinkles populating the edges of your mouth? Need to go on a diet? Want a great-tasting family-sized meal for only a fiver? Well then, my friend, what you need is a fella.

Boyfriends were the apparent solution to everything, she found. Too sad, too happy, too fat, too thin, too human, too ‘you’? Have a partner, a lover, a honey, a hubby.

(Who said she was straight, anyway?)

“Oh pumpkin, you need to find a boyfriend before you get too old. I knew this one woman, virgin ‘til her dying day, who would dress her cat up and dine with it on the kitchen counter, certain that she was on a date with some ex-actor at some swanky restaurant. The profession changed every time I asked about her ‘date’, poor dear.”

The single life was only for the unlucky, the losers, the ugly, the boring...and when she hit puberty, the prospect of a relationship loomed on her before she knew how to form her lips for a ‘proper’ kiss.

At thirteen, people looked down on her for being single. “I’ve been to second and a half base with my boyfriend!” One of her friends boasted once, sticking her chest out with raised eyebrows.

“Oh yeah? Well the other day I dipped my chocolate bar in my hot chocolate and it was the nicest thing ever, better than sex,” she replied with virgin lips.

The quixotic was always advertised as realistic, something plucked from a romance novel or a chick flick, something that you deserved just for being alive...

“You deserve someone great.”

“Why don’t you have a boyfriend?”

“Who wouldn’t want to date you?”

...And if you didn’t have it, you would eventually. It was something that just had to happen, like death.

After gushing about her charming new husband, her best friend turned and said, “You’ll find someone someday.”

“I’m fine on my own?”

She wrinkled her nose and laughed a little too loud. “Don’t be silly – everyone wants to be with someone. Being single by choice?” another laugh erupted from her throat.

“Well hear it now – I’m fine, and not in an, ‘I’m fine but really I’m not fine’ way, I really am fine, and I am allowed to be fine without someone else to be fine with.”

“Whatever you say, hon,” she said, staring starry eyed at her golden wedding ring.


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